Episode 6 - Getting to Know Your CXOs - Theresa Caragol, CEO Achieve Unite


In this episode of Getting to Know Your CXOs, host Stephen Brown interviews Teresa Caragol, the founder and CEO of Achieve Unite, Inc. They discuss the challenges and decisions faced by C-level executives, the importance of trust-building, leadership attributes, decision-making, and the impact of AI on businesses. Teresa shares insights on building a team, the qualities of a good leader, and advice for modern salespeople when meeting with C-level executives.

CXOs, C-level executives, leadership, trust-building, decision-making, AI impact on business, team building, sales strategies

  • The importance of trust-building and relationship-building in leadership and sales
  • The impact of AI on businesses and the need to embrace it for competitive advantage
  • The qualities of a good leader and the importance of strategy and execution alignment
  • Advice for modern salespeople when meeting with C-level executives
  • The significance of building a strong team and the role of genuine leadership in business success

  • Building Trust and Relationships in Leadership and Sales
  • Modern Sales Strategies: Meeting with C-Level Executives
Sound Bites

  • "It's one thing for somebody to be hard on you, but when it's coming from a place of love."
Episode 6 - Getting to Know Your CXOs - Theresa Caragol, CEO Achieve Unite
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